2024 Intake On-Going. Click to learn more.

Victory Over Stress in Current Situation

About This Course

Is there a good, bad or positive/ negative stress? What actually is stress, particular in current pandemic situation? 

In the workplace, individuals encounter stressors that can either undermine their performance or propel their success, depending on how they react to them.  

In personal life, the same impact one shall encounter from the stressors, either enhance or break your effectiveness towards life victory. 

In this workshop as individuals and team, throughout an organization, enabling you to recognize the circumstances or events that are likely to trigger stress reactions and providing information and tips, on how to deal most effectively with the challenges presented.  

You also will be given strategies for addressing any stressful situation, as well as a toolbox of using timeless principles, routines, therapeutic techniques, and a stress remedy therapy plan and, also famous personality skill, including understand what lifestyle elements can change to reduce stress particularly during/after this pandemic situation.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to gain the knowledge and skills to: 

  • Understand the current situation of stress both in personal and in the workplace 
  • Identify the stress and stressors different impacts, sources and factors in them 
  • Develop positive & responses to stressors 
  • Develop victory strategies to address and possibly prevent unwanted stress 
  • Results and sustain work life balance and happiness continuously 



Target Audience

All employees

Training Outline

  1. Get Started
  2. Are You Stressed?
  3. Are You Managing Your Stress to Victory
  4. Insight Out from You to Others
  5. Your Mental-Emotion Therapy & Support
  6. Your Body Therapy and Financial Support
  7. Your Effort & Plan to Action