The Buzan Technique – Effective Thinking for Higher Performance

About This Course

Only 1 % of our brainpower is used, the other 99% is waiting to be unleashed! 

In order for an organization to compete in the market place, be it local or global, the ability to tap the potential of its human resources, developing the employees’ capability to think effectively and creatively will be the ultimate goals. They will be able to plan, generate new ideas, make decisions, and solve problems with clarity and confidence if given the right fundamental thinking tools. 

Mind Mapping is a revolutionary method of assessing intelligence developed during 30 years of research by Tony Buzan. His startlingly innovative mind maps along with his concepts of mental literacy have altered the way millions of people approach thinking today. Employees who are able to innovate corporate improvements are those who have learned how to harness the awesome capacity of the human brain

Learning Objectives




Target Audience


Training Outline

  1. Thinking Problems and Goals
  2. Our Amazing Brain
  3. The Power of Associative Thinking
  4.  Using your Senses in Working and Learning
  5. Whole Brain Thinking
  6. Mind Mapping - the Organizational Thinking Tool
  7. Definition, Criteria, and Types of Mind Maps
  8.  Mind Map Laws
  9. Mind Maps Applications in Business:
  10.  Mega Mind Maps for Team Work
  11. Enhancing Memory and Creativity Through Mind Maps