Gauge Repeatability & Reproducibility

About This Course

This course intends to introduce to participants the appropriate and right approach to obtaining meaningful data for analysis.  As far as we are concerned, today's industry decision-makers always using measurement data and facts to make their business decision.  An appropriate decision will follow if the data is meaningful and trustworthy. 

Hence this course is a must for all Managers and Engineers who are going to make certain technical and business decisions based on measurement data and facts. Further to above, GR & R is a must requirement for QS 9000 certification. 

Learning Objectives

After attending this session, participants should be able to: 

  • Differentiate the errors from a set of measurement data 
  • Analyze errors of measurement contributed by measuring gauge and operators and design some actions for improvement 
  • Classified all the measuring gauges in the respective categories 
  • Perform G R & R studies on all relevant measuring equipment or gauges 


  • Basic Statistical Process/Quality Control 
  • Practical Statistics for Industry and Business

Target Audience

The target audiences include ALL supervisors, Executives, Engineers and Managers from Quality, Process, Planning and Production.  

This course is also meant for all engineers, technical personnel and managers who are involved in decision-making using measurement data and performing MSA to meet QS 9000 requirements. 


Training Outline

  1. Concepts of Measurement Errors and Variations
  2. Mathematical Model/Equation for a Reading from a Gauge
  3. Stratification of Variations Components (Using Approximate Mathematical Equation)
  4. Concepts of GR&R
  5. Calibration of Measurement Equipment
  6. GR&R Tables to Perform the Studies
  7. Interpretation of GR&R Results
  8. Recommendations and Procedures to Implement GR&R