ATED Based Debugging (LAB)

About This Course

This course provides hands-on experience for students to familiarize themselves with an ATE and the associated debug tools, techniques and concepts. This course will be using an Advantest V93K as the debug platform.

Learning Objectives

The aim of this course is to equip students to:

  • Equip students with the knowledge of how to use the V93K ATE debug tools
  • Train students to use the V93K debug tools for device characterization and debug.
  • Understand ATE debug tools, concepts and techniques that can be applied to other ATE platforms. (This course will use the Advantest V93K as a case study)



Target Audience

A Product or Test Engineer

Training Outline

Advantest V93K ATE Debug a Real Production Failure

  1. Lab#1: Characterization: Engineers are required to

    1. Get familiar with reading and understanding a device datasheet device specifications, timings, schematics, etc.

    2. Characterize a device with an ATE and compare it to the device datasheet

  2. Lab#2: Debug and root causing a real device failure. Engineers are required to do waveform, timing and pattern debug