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Pitch Perfect

About This Course

Imagine being able to speak in public, hold your audience's attention, make a persuasive point, convey your ideas with confidence, clarity and conviction - and walk away with the result you want. In this course, we will help you master the ability to communicate, influence, inspire and persuade.


Learning Objectives

  • Learn how to create and deliver an exceptionally effective presentation or pitch that is effective and results oriented
  • Learn the Pitch Perfect Framework to guide you in crafting your story, preparing your slides and the ultimate delivery
  • Learn how to convey your ideas with clarity, confidence and conviction
  • Learn how to confidently answer questions and address objections with poise and eloquence



Target Audience

All levels of employees


Training Outline

1.     The Story

  • Defining your objective and goal
  • Understanding your audience
  • Audience sentiment
  • Leaving the audience with a thought
  • Calling your audience to an action
  • Paint a situation
  • Introduce the hero to your story
  • Share the conflict and problem
  • Share the desired outcome
  • Share the solution
  • Getting your rally cry, key points and facts, mood and anecdotes right
  • Intro and Closing

2.     The Slides
Share the Situation
Paint the Problem
Share the Opportunity
Call for Action

3.     The Preparation

  • The Read-Through
  • The Rough Rehearsal
  • The Live-Audience Rehearsal
  • The Perfection
  • The Notes
  • The Device
  • The Sound Check
  • Meet and Greet
  • Get In The Zone

4.     The Delivery

  • Your Face
  • Your Body
  • Your Voice