Compliance Champion - Anti-Money Laundering (AMLA), Anti-Corruption & Anti-Bribery (ABC) Made Effective!

About This Course

Upon completion of this course, you will be able to Learn about Anti-Money Laundering, anti-terrorist financing (AMLA), Anti-Corruption and anti-Bribery (ABC).

Learning Objectives

  • Identify the laws and regulations related to Anti-Money Laundering (AMLA), AntiCorruption and anti-Bribery (ABC).
  • Identify suspicious transactions, potential AMLA breaches, and corrupt practices as you perform your roles and responsibilities at work.
  • Recognize the importance of preventing money laundering, terrorism financing, corruption, and bribery activities.



Target Audience

This is a regulatory compliance course for entry-level to high-level positions in the manufacturing industry, Multi-National Corporations, and Global Business Services to ensure adherence and compliance to Anti-Money Laundering (AMLA), and Anti Corruption and Anti-Bribery (ABC) laws and regulations.

Training Outline

  1. Module 1
    1. Learn about Anti-Money Laundering and anti-terrorist financing (AMLA)

    2. Pre assessment. What is money laundering? How is money laundered?

    3. Placement, layering, integration.

  2. Module 2
    1. Identify suspicious transactions and potential AMLA breaches as you perform your roles and responsibilities at work.

    2. Customer Due Diligence (CDD)

    3. Enhanced Due Diligence (EDD)

    4. What is Know Your Customers (KYC)? Suspicious Transactions

    5. What is Suspicious Transaction Reporting (STR)?

    6. Red flags

  3. Module 3
    1. Recognize the importance of preventing money laundering and terrorism financing activities

    2. AMLA Case Study – Example 1

    3. AMLA Case Study – Example 2

  4. Module 4
    1. Learn about Anti-Corruption and Anti-Bribery (ABC)

    2. What is Corruption and Bribery? ABC Control Measures.

    3. Reporting and Escalation.

    4. Consequence of Non-Compliance.

    5. Your Responsibilities.